Grow baby, grow!

We had a little scheduling change this week bringing forward my next doctor’s appointment to today. There was nothing dramatic about this, just that the original appointment time was not so convenient for my hubby.  In any case I was delighted as it meant not having to wait so long to see the small dude again!

Except he’s not that much of a small dude anymore with the doctor saying he is measuring long.  He also estimated the current weight at 2.2kg but explained because the baby is long that doesn’t mean he’s oversize for his development stage. We are both delighted as we are hoping this means he will grow up to be tall, but of course who really knows!

Otherwise the scan was pretty unremarkable.  The umbilical cord was in front of his face so the 3D pictures didn’t really show much other than one eye. I asked the doctor if our baby is cute and he laughed while saying “Of course!”. As if there is any other response! See for yourself here.

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Definitely cute, right? 

We also finally confirmed the date of the scheduled c-section and I am so happy as it was the date we wanted all along.  I’m not going to specify it here as I’m generally keeping it a secret, suffice to say it’s between week 38 and 39. Our next appointment with the doctor will be in three weeks time and I felt a bit emotional when he said it will probably be our last appointment before delivering the baby.

I suddenly realised WE ARE GOING TO HAVE A BABY!!  This is kind of unbelievable, despite my growing belly. Like wow!

I also requested the whooping cough vaccination, which was interesting because the doctor didn’t offer it to me, I had to ask for it.  In any case he was really supportive of having it and made my hubby have it too.  I might have been a little too happy and excited about hubby also getting to suffer for once. Saying that, it wasn’t even painful (I was almost disappointed)! In any case, for those of you who are thinking what whooping cough vaccination, read more here:

I also got my second jab for the RH negative blood.  The last time I had this done hubby wasn’t there, but this time I had an audience.  It is a jab that’s given to your butt (nice) and so as I turned around and hitched up my knickers on one side to flash a cheek, hubby helpfully commented “Now that’s a fine ass!”. The midwife administering the jab was very diplomatic and said nothing, just focused on the job she had to do. He is very naughty! Haha!

This week has been otherwise pretty unremarkable.  I’m a bit tired and slow to move, especially in the super-hot weather, but I’m otherwise doing really well.  The contractions keep coming, especially in the evenings but they are clearly just practice contractions (at this stage anyway) and not really stressing me out too much. Long may it stay that way!



11 thoughts on “Grow baby, grow!

  1. Gada love bringing your husband to appointments! Mine always jokes and giggles about the condoms that go over the ultra sound wands. Lol. You are getting closer! I cant wait to see a picture of your sweet babe after you deliver! ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. That one has never come up for us but to be honest he hasn’t been in the room for many of those appointments. He likes to ask a lot about the size of the baby’s willy. That’s annoying enough! For sure I’ll send you photos personally as I don’t think I’ll post any fully revealing ones here.


      1. Hahaha if we ever get to that point and have a boy I am sure my husband would be the same way! They are so silly. I completely understand about posting. I look forward to receiving the email! I am so beyond happy for you 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

      2. You’re doing pretty great so far!! It’s really kind of you. It’s still a bit mad to think there is an actual baby inside of me, especially after all the heartache. 💙

        Liked by 1 person

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